Sale and Special offers
Here are our discounted products. There are many reasons for discounting: we may have decided to discontinue a product, or find ourselves overstocked. Some products may be close to or past their 'best before end' date (see our blog regarding Dates and Waste in Cosmetic products and what BBE dates actually mean). What you will not find though is any deterioration in quality of the products. These are all tip-top quality, and should you find any issues with how they work, the packaging or other characteristics, please let us know and we will find a solution you are happy with. THIS IS OUR GUARANTEE ON THESE SALE PRODUCTS - AND INDEED, ALL OUR PRODUCTS
Theraneem Ultimate Support Bar Orange Ylang Ylang
- Last few! Treat your skin to this 100g of premium soap
- Our most concentrated and beneficial bar for sensitive skin
- Ultimate support for sensitive skin - Paraben, SLS, and gluten free
- Nourishing and soothing for eczema and rosacea
Theraneem Facial Complexion Bar
- Last few! Stock up while you can..
- Protects, nourishes, and moisturizes even the most sensitive skin
- Ideal for a clean, refreshed and vibrant complexion
- Winner of Better Nutrition Best of Beauty Awards, 2009 and 2010
The smell is so relaxing, the lather is rich and creamy, and it's made my skin behave!
Theraneem Oatmeal & Lavender Soap Bar
- 100g - Exfoliating and gently cleansing
- Ideal for managing acne prone skin
- With shea, coconut and jojoba to balance hormonal skin
- Use daily. Paraben free, SLS free
Theraneem Organic Neem Oil
- 30ml Pure Organic Neem Oil
- Cold-pressed, free of contaminants, heavy metals and pesticides
- Can be applied direct to skin or diluted in a carrier oil, shampoo or cream
- Anti-inflammatory for eczema, rosacea, treats headlice and scabies
I have found that my skin has improved and looks alive and healthy.
Theraneem Pet Shampoo
- Cleanse and soothe your pet's skin using TheraNeem Pet Shampoo
- Gently formulated with no harsh chemicals, soaps or synthetic waxy thickeners
- You'll also be delighted with the look, feel and smell of your pet's coat
- Extra gentle for sensitive pets
Smells great. Leaves our lovely lurcher looking shiny and smelling gorgeous.
Broadreach Probiotics for Dogs and Cats
- For sensitive or overreactive digestive systems
- For cats and dogs of any age
- Veterinary formulation developed, approved and used by vets in the UK
- Absorbs enterotoxins and replenishes 'good' bacteria
Theraneem Gentle Therape Shampoo
- Treat yourself to dandruff-free healthy hair
- 360ml - For all hair types and sensitive scalps
- Supports health and vitality of hair and scalp
- Carefully formulated with neem oil and neem leaf extract
Simply the best. The only shampoo that really works for my itching scalp.
Theraneem Head Lice Prevention Pack
- Neem Oil Shampoo, Neem Oil Conditioner, and 2 x Pure Neem Oil (30ml)
- A great money-saving head lice prevention bundle!
- Use daily for 3 to 4 days, then weekly for as long as problems persist
- Child friendly and ecologically sound, use safely on a regular basis
Theraneem Scalp Therape Shampoo
- End of line- last few! Grab them while you can!
- For all hair types and sensitive scalps
- Use TheraNeem Scalp Therapé Shampoo for intense scalp rejuvenation
- Stimulating peppermint, powerful tea tree, and cleansing lemon essential oils
- Will clean gently and penetrate the scalp without harsh chemicals
Great product! I had itching scalp but have not had it since using it.